Andrew Friedson is the Montgomery County District 1 Councilmember, representing the community where he was born and raised. His tireless commitment to enhancing quality of life, growing the local economy, and modernizing local government and his pragmatic, data-driven approach have delivered real results during one of the most challenging periods in County history.
The youngest ever Councilmember upon taking office in December 2018, Andrew hit the ground running in his first year. He spearheaded successful legislation to support businesses by requiring an Economic Impact Statement on all County legislation, to boost quality of life by maintaining pedestrian access around construction sites, and to strengthen fiscal oversight by instituting regular financial reviews of all County spending. Andrew led the effort to add millions in additional funding for affordable housing, restore proposed funding cuts to the County's parks, and increase coverage for emergency mental health counseling. As a result, Andrew was named the Best County Freshman Legislator and “the economic and fiscal center of the Montgomery County Council.”
When the COVID-19 crisis hit in 2020, Andrew was the driving force behind the Public Health Emergency Grant program to support hard-hit small businesses and nonprofits, the Telework Assistance Program to help businesses transition to telework, and the Reopen Montgomery program to aid businesses in safely resuming operations. He worked with his Council colleagues and the County Executive to create, fund, and implement relief programs for childcare providers, renters who lost income during the pandemic, and arts and cultural institutions. The Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce named Andrew Legislator of the Year for his immediate and sustained leadership in helping local employers weather the worst period of COVID-19.
Sep 01
No words, simply heartbroken. May Hersh’s memory be a blessing as we pray for Rachel, Jon, and the entire Goldberg-Polin family along with the other hostage families who share in their unimaginable agony. #bringthemhome
Aug 30
RT @wchsbulldog: Thanks to Dr Taylor, Council President Friedson, and Board of Ed member Julie Yang for stopping by and thanking staff for…
Aug 21
@rr7lv Thanks, @rr7lv. I was thinking about him a lot last night especially as the Obamas were speaking about Michelle’s mother.
Aug 19
RT @ThomasTaylorEdD: As a community we need to stand together against hate. Very sad that many of our teachers returned to vandalized schoo…
Jul 01
Looking forward to a busy 4th of July! I’ll be participating in the Wood Acres parade (10:30 lineup) and stopping by community festivities including Wyngate, Cabin John, Somerset, Town of Chevy Chase, and the Village of Friendship Heights, among others. DM if you want to join us!
May 11
@asiatenleymoore @iamwesmoore @SpeakerAJones @mkorman @RepRaskin @AngelaAlsobrook